
Totally You by Sandra Massey

Now you may wonder, who is Sandra, and does she really know what I’m struggling with?

I’ve spent most of my life showing the world how easy life is for me, how happy I am, and demonstrating confidence, control, and success. I strived to live a healthy, balanced, and loving life. While part of that was true, in reality, underneath that fabulous veneer, I often felt I was on a hamster wheel without a means to jump off or stop altogether. 

That wheel was filled with overwhelm, fatigue, health issues, wavering self-confidence, fear, and burnout. There were days I was numb – just going through the motions.


I knew I could feel much better; I just didn’t know how…

l realized I couldn’t keep up this pace. I kept trying to make sense of it all; however, I was repeating the same behaviors every day. I put others’ needs before mine, worked too many hours trying to prove myself and found it difficult to shut off my brain and sit still for more than a few minutes at a time.  Do any of these behaviors sound familiar to you?

What I didnt understand is that I was running old, entrenched, and unconscious stories in my head stories that eroded my personal confidence and self-worth. Stories that kept me stuck in my current personal power, my current weight, and my current financial story, none of which satisfied me. If you are anything like I was, you know how frustrating and overwhelming it was.  And don’t get me started on this eroding feeling that whatever I do, it would never be enough, that someone would see that I wasn’t enough (good, pretty, talented, organized, you name it!).  


Ignite your Personal Power with Sandra McRaven Massey at

I liked my life and the people I was surrounded by, but I knew I was headed for disaster.

The first sign was stress-related health issues which then led to less tolerance, less joy, and most importantly this nagging need to make deep-rooted changes in my life. 

Then it was time for a transformation to shed the many layers of meeting others’ expectations, to shift the need for external validation to internal self-acceptance, and to explore dreams I had always put aside. And it felt scary at first!  The truth is, you don’t have to lose people or turn your entire life upside down to change.  But you do have to be ready to see the behaviors that are preventing you from being joyful and fulfilled.  

And when I committed to the change, that is when I began my journey of self-exploration, self-care, and self-love to embrace the life I was meant to live.

It was my time to become the best version of myself.

I won’t lie, sometimes it was uncomfortble (you must feel to heal); but I regained my power, my voice, my tolerance, and my joy!  And it felt so good that I decided to help other women so that they can also say, I AM TOTALLY ME and it feels good!

Through the completion of a rigorous certification process to become a success empowerment coach, I hired my own personal coaches to further my growth.  What I now know to be my absolute truths are these:

  • You have the power to reinvent yourself at any age.
  • Resilience, even though it may not look pretty at the time, can turn adversity into opportunity and courageous choices.
  • Change is personal but you don’t have to do it alone.
  • Our beliefs around personal power, relationships, and self-worth support us in new ways when we let go of old beliefs that no longer serve us.

My personal coaching experience transformed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined from my perch on that hamster wheel.

I wish I had these tools 20 years ago.  That is why I’m committed to help you to be TOTALLY YOU when working with me.

I now more consistently feel confident, peaceful, and unconcerned about what others think.


I am now living my lifelong passion and commitment to the ongoing advancement and celebration of individuals through coaching.