Totally You by Sandra McRaven Massey


Your Dreams

Be Totally

IT BREAKS MY HEART watching smart, talented, and highly capable individuals HOLD THEMSELVES BACK and WAIT FOR PERMISSION to:

OWN their greatness…

DECLARE their value…

and GO AFTER what they REALLY want…

Many have been trained NOT TO DO a lot of things. NOT to ask for too much, NOT to shine too brightly… NOT to disappoint anyone…NOT to expect recognition for their work and commitment, and NOT to speak their truth in the process.

And now it is time to UNLEARN what you’ve been taught and allow yourself to be TOTALLY YOU!

Sometimes these lessons are not even in our awareness. We cling to a lifetime of the unconscious, limiting beliefs as if they were absolutes.

ENOUGH with the waiting…

ENOUGH holding back…

Ignite New Pathways to Money and Wealth by Sandra Massey -

Your problems are REAL, PAINFUL, and they have COST you a lot. If you knew how to do so, you would have fixed them by now. I get it!

I have been there and lived your pain. As I began developing my coaching business, breaking through the unknowns of my own limitations was something I personally could not do alone.  I hired a coach.

I learned new  tools to reframe my mindset, boost my confidence, and stand boldly in my leadership energy.  For the first time in my life, I became TOTALLY ME!

I am confident these tools can also impact your career and life whether in your

If you are

  • struggling to identify and break through whatever it is that keeps you stuck
  • needing to find the deep pause in your life that invites you to breathe
  • sick and tired of never getting ahead, always giving but rarely receiving
  • afraid to speak up, to find your voice
  • overworked and stressed out
  • feeling that you are not good enough, lack confidence, and hold back
  • afraid to shine and reclaim the light that you are
  • suffering from imposter syndrome to transcend the awful feelings
  • unhappy with your weight and body image
  • unhappy with your savings, debt and/or income

I have the skills and experience to help you. I coach individuals to LIVE AND LOVE their authentic life.


If you feel THE TIME HAS COME for you to own your life and become TOTALLY YOU, join me today.



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Let’s hop on a free Success Empowerment Clarity Call today!

….and maybe you think it is not the right time. Your calendar is packed, your finances are limited, you feel exhausted, or you don’t have the right mindset, and those are all the reasons you need to say yes to investing in yourself now.

Once you understand the cost associated with holding on to your limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and old paradigms, it will be clear that it doesn’t make sense to wait another minute.

I’m looking forward to connecting with you,

Sandra McRaven Massey

Meet Your Coach

As founder and CEO of Totally You, health and life coach, Sandra McRaven Massey, believes in a holistic approach to life: mind-body-emotions-soul.

This philosophy has stuck with her since completing her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and her Masters of Rehabilitation Counseling degree.

Early in her career Sandra worked in a multiplicity of diverse settings counseling individuals with disabilities.  Sandra has often stated, “I enhanced my own strength, courage, and spirituality by observing what my clients demonstrated, time and time again, as they dealt with major life adversities. I’ve found I can’t help others without becoming a better person, myself.”

Transferring her skills of supporting others to become their personal best, Sandra transitioned to Higher Education where she mentored and led students, faculty, and staff.  Her Doctor of Education degree allowed her to continue her coursework in psychology with a focus on learning principles specific to adult learners.

As a result, personal development, positive and emotional intelligence, health and wellness, and leadership development have become her passion. Further fostering that passion, she has now completed three years of additional training to become a success empowerment coach.

‘Healing is a soulful journey that starts from the inside out.’
— Sandra McRaven Massey —

Ignite your Personal Power with Sandra McRaven Massey at

Sandra’s mission is to help individuals shed old behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs that no longer fit who they choose to become. Sandra has an intuitive gift for understanding people. A skilled listener, she uses reflective questioning to help clients find their own answers and create personal pathways to authenticity, love, and happiness. If you choose to become her client, you will discover that Sandra is 100% committed to supporting you through major breakthroughs to your resulting transformation. Always worth celebrating!

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